
We are pleased to announce that we have a picture of Sarah Grace and her cousin Dana Marie with His Grace Mark before the Altar on the day of their Confirmation : The Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity ( September 19th, 2010 ) Congratulations girls and many thanks to Archbishop Haverland for coming a long way to be with us.

We are pleased to announce that we have a picture of Aaron James with His Grace Mark before the altar on the day of Aaron's confirmation ( The Sixth Sunday after Trinity/ July 15 2012 Congratulations Aaron and many thanks to His Grace for coming a long way to be with us.

A Yard Sale was held on Holy Cross Day (Sept. 14 2013 ). The weather was beautiful ! The sale was held at the home of Fr.James and Mary Chantler from 8.00 am until 2.00 pm and $173.50 was raised.

REST IN PEACE : Charles Kenneth Elliott ( born Cobalt Ontario February 13 1925 - died Windsor Ontario August 11 2013) . Fr.James Chantler officiated at the funeral and burial both of which took place at Victoria Greenlawn Funeral Home , Chapel And Cemetery.

REST IN PEACE : Claudette Florence Brown, nee Bourgeois, ( born Deschenes Quebec May 24 1940 - died Windsor Ontario August 8 2013 ). Fr. James Chantler took the funeral held at Families First Funeral Home and Chapel. Internment of ashes is to take place at a later date. Mrs. Brown was a long time member of Resurrection Parish and served on the Select Vestry.

Due to renovations to Mary and Fr. James Chantler's home (which houses St.Mary's Oratory - the meeting place of Resurrection Walkerville) our service on The First Sunday After Trinity had to be cancelled. The parish held a Yard Sale on Trinity 1 ( June 2 ,2013 ) at the home of Norma and James Chantler who also provided a fine luncheon for all who worked the sale which ran from 8.00 am until 3.00 pm. It appeared as though it would rain but we managed to dodge the wet weather and were able to raise $634.20.

On June 7th, 2014 The Resurrection / Walkerville held it's annual yard sale at Norma and James Chantler's home located near Walkerville's historic Willistead Park and Manor. The Manor and surrounding grounds,designed by renowned Detroit architect Albert Kahn and built in 1906,  were gifted to the town of Walkerville by the widow of Edward Chandler Walker (Mary Griffin-Walker) in 1921. E. C. Walker named his estate after his elder brother Willis who had died some years before. Mr. Walker was the son of Hiram Walker who is most famous for founding  the town of Walkerville and the Hiram Walker Distillery (makers of Canadian Club rye whisky ) but he had many other business interests. Hiram and the Walker family were very generous benefactors to the community they'd founded.We always hold our sale when an arts festival takes place at Willistead because of the foot traffic we can draw as people attend  'Art In the Park '.This year we raised $360.25 . We are thankful for all our donors and volunteers but especially grateful to our hosts who also provided a lunch for all who worked the day of the sale.



The  Church of the Resurrection / Walkerville  has a long standing tradition on Whitsunday. After Mass the congregation gathers outside for a brief address by the Parish Priest in which he describes the wondrous events that occurred on The Day Of Pentecost. Red and white balloons filled with helium are given to the Sunday School children and youth of the Parish and on the count of three they are released with everyone exclaiming : Holy Ghost fill our hearts - Happy Whitsunday ! The red balloons symbolize the cloven tongues, like as of fire , which rested upon the faithful gathered at Jerusalem. The white balloons symbolize the baptismal garments worn by the many people who, after a stirring address by St.Peter, were converted and baptized on the Day of Pentecost. The balloons floating out of view represent the Church going forth from Jerusalem. She had been small and static and localized but now was growing : animated by the Spirit and endowed with the gifts of the Spirit in order that she could embark on her sacred mission of teaching and publishing throughout the whole world that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour of all mankind.
Resurrection Parish's youngest member Natalie Alexandra Gignac with her great grandmother and Sunday School Teacher prepare to release their balloons after Whisunday Mass.



On Saturday June 6 The Church of The Resurrection / Walkerville held a yard sale at the home of Norma and James Chantler. The weather was ideal, our hosts were gracious and even fed us and the parish was able to raise $ 504.00 .Many thanks to our hosts ; our donors ; and all who volunteered with picking up donations and  working the day of the yard sale.

On Sunday June 7 (The First Sunday After Trinity)  Resurrection Parish was treated to an after Mass luncheon at a local restaurant by the Lucier family in thanks for the love and kindness the congregation had shown Mrs. Lucier's mother  - Margaret Lefebvre. Mrs. Lefebvre was a life long and dedicated 'handmaiden of the Lord' who served His Church in many capacities throughout  her long life and she was loved by all of her Church family. It was the parish's intention to have the luncheon as close as possible to the anniversary of Margaret's natalitia ,her birth into the eternal life, which she entered on June 24 2014 (the feast of The Nativity Of St. John Baptist).


INTERNATIONAL LIFE CHAIN SUNDAY was held on October 4th this year. The chain closest to our parish assembled in front of the Metropolitan General Hospital's parking lot here in Walkerville.(Life Chain is a peaceful; prayerful; public witness to the truth : the sanctity of human life). Resurrection parish was well represented and there was a good turnout overall. The public reaction to those standing in the Life Chain was, mostly, positive and encouraging. If you have never participated in a Life Chain, please consider giving it a try, you will be glad that you did. Bring a friend, bring your family and invest one hour to save a lifetime. "Lo, children and the fruit of the womb are an heritage and gift that cometh of the Lord. " Psalm 127.4

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Ernie and Michelle Nesbitt (the owners of Jose's Bar Grill ) we were, once again, able to provide four families with a fine package of food which contained a complete Thanksgiving dinner. " To do good and to distribute forget not : for with such sacrifices GOD is well pleased. " Hebrews 13.16


In the season of Advent Resurrection Parish's sanctuary is adorned by an Advent wreath with its candles. On every Sunday of the season we light candles : one the first week, two the second, three the third and four on the fourth Sunday in Advent to symbolize that as we get closer to the coming of Jesus, who is The Light Of The World, our path towards Him gets brighter. Finally, at Christmas we light the taller and pure white candle at the centre of the wreath. This candle is called the Christ candle and it represents the first Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ the Sun of Righteousness who brightened our darkness by the radiance of His birth. It also symbolizes the great light which shall reveal all the sins which mankind had thought they had hidden when Christ  comes again in might and majesty at the Second Advent to judge the quick and the dead. In the picture four of our youth stand with our parish Priest at the Advent wreath after each of them had lit a candle on The Fourth Sunday In Advent.




The Church Of The Resurrection was pleased to welcome The Rt. Rev'd. Rocco Florenza to Walkerville  on The Feast Of St. Philip And St. James The Apostles. He celebrated Mass ,  Preached  and Confirmed Heath Alexander Chantler. Bishop Florenza is  Bishop Ordinary of The Anglican Catholic Church's Diocese Of The Resurrection which encompasses the states of New York ; Pennsylvania ; Connecticut ; Massachusetts ; New Hampshire ; and Vermont. His Cathedral Church is also dedicated to the Resurrection of Our Lord. After the service we had a nice luncheon with time to congratulate Heath and for the congregation to meet the Bishop.We appreciate Bishop Rocco's  carving time from his busy schedule to travel a long way to be with us and hope he enjoyed his visit.


Heath with the Bishop and Parish Priest (Fr Jas Chantler)


Heath with his Godparents Alec Chantler, Heather Martin & James Giffen.


Our Confirmand with his Mom, Dad and Sister ( Krystyne, Sarah and Heath Sr)


Bishop Florenza displaying the Parish gift to him , a San Damiano Crucifix.


The Church Of The Resurrection's 2016 Annual Yard Sale was held on Saturday June 4th and we raised $335.50. The weather was fine until mid-afternoon when it began to rain. We passed on the best of our unsold items to The Teen Meetinghouse : a Recreation Centre and Thrift Shop for Teens. Many thanks to our donors ; the crew who helped pick up contributions ;  those who worked the sale ; and our Warden James J. Chantler who (once again ) hosted the sale.


The Church Of The Resurrection held it's Annual Yard Sale on Saturday June 3rd 2017. The weather was perhaps as nice as we've ever experienced at any of our Yard Sales and because it was so pleasant there were plenty of people 'yard sailing'. We earned $527.25! Many thanks to our donors and volunteers with special thanks to our Warden Jas.J.Chantler, who, once again hosted the sale and treated us to lunch.


REST IN PEACE : Janine Lise Brown (born 14 March 1967 Detroit Michigan - died 1 March 2018 Windsor Ontario). Fr. James Chantler officiated at her funeral in the chapel of Families First Funeral Home on 3 March 2018.







Natalie (left) and her little sister Danielle before the Altar on Palm Sunday 2018 displaying a palm cross and the
fronds they used to make crosses with at children's Church.



The parish's mothers who were able to attend service on Mothering Sunday (Lent 4). All mothers who come to Church on Mothering Sunday are given flowers by the congregation. We thank GOD for all our mothers and we thank Mary Chantler (second from the right) for baking the simnel cake we enjoyed at our after Mass luncheon.


Holy Ghost fill our hearts. Happy Whitsunday 2018!


The Church Of The Resurrection held it's Annual (2018) Yard Sale on Saturday June 2nd
and we raised $365.50. Many thanks to our host (Warden James J. Chantler); our donors; those
who helped us pick up contributions; ; and those who worked the day of the yard sale.



Life Chain Sunday was kept this year (2018) on The Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity. Once again members of The Church Of The Resurrection were involved in the Life Chain nearest to us and out of the forty people present eight were members of our Parish.
There were several little ones present including our own Natalie and Danielle pictured below.


Many thanks to all who participated in the 2019 LIFE CHAIN, and to those who prayed at home, for an end to abortion. Our parish could  muster only six participants this year but the turnout, overall, was good with nearly eighty persons of all ages in attendance. The public reaction to our witness was positive and the pro-life cause (at least when it comes to abortion) seems to be advancing.



The Church Of The Resurrection's Sunday school is studying Section Four of the 1962 BCP (Canada)  Catechism which covers Prayer.
Natalie and Danielle are displaying the mural which they constructed on The Fifth Sunday After The Epiphany. Good job girls !

